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Milton Family Lawyer

Facing legal matters within the family can be challenging, especially when involving court proceedings against a family member. From divorce to domestic violence, these cases often endure lengthy resolutions, impacting everyone involved, particularly the children. Some cases encompass multiple issues, further complicating matters.

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The Milton family lawyers at Davis and Associates Attorneys at Law are dedicated to assisting you with your family’s legal challenges. Regardless of the case’s severity, we are prepared to provide comprehensive support. Our team will sit down with you, explain the applicable laws, and make a strategic plan to navigate the complexities of your case. Trust us to handle your situation with care and support you throughout the legal process.

Our goal is to ensure you have the necessary legal representation in court and to guide you through the proceedings. We also work to prepare you for any possible outcome and develop preventative measures to avoid similar issues in the future.

Call Davis and Associates Attorneys at Law at (850) 753-0416 for your Free Consultation with a Milton Family Lawyer.

Experienced Family Attorneys

Davis and Associates Attorneys at Law provides comprehensive and customizable legal services for families dealing with complex legal issues. Upon contacting us, a Milton family law attorney will be assigned to guide you through the legal process, building your defense or case. We are committed to advocating for your best interests in court, aiming for the most favorable outcome with minimal impact on all parties involved.

Down below are the legal issues we can help you with:


Milton Family Lawyer tampa divorce attorneyDivorce can be a lengthy legal battle involving various issues that need resolution before it is granted. Each of these issues requires specific legal procedures, which might be confusing without proper legal support.

At our Milton, FL family law firm, our experienced attorneys will guide you through these legal matters and their implications for the entire divorce process. We provide the necessary legal support to address these issues and ensure a smooth divorce. Our attorneys are also available to help you plan for your future post-divorce.

Property and Asset Division

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During a divorce case, discussions will revolve around the equitable division of the couple’s marital property and assets. Disputes may arise, particularly when certain properties or assets hold significant financial or sentimental value for either party.

To prevent this problem from prolonging your divorce case, Davis and Associates Attorneys at Law has trained asset and property division lawyers who can walk you through the assets and properties included in the divorce. We will help you pick the best assets or properties to fight for or use as a bartering tool. We can also help you find any hidden assets or properties that should also be included in the discussions, as well as protect the assets that you owned before your marriage.

Child Custody

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Besides asset and property division, child custody can be a point of contention for couples seeking physical custody of their children.

Our family lawyers are here to assist you in securing custody rights, and ensuring the other parent’s access or visitation rights. We will also guide you on modifying or challenging custody arrangements and getting them enforced.

Child Support

Milton Family Lawyer father son HBKFP7NCLL 300x200In child custody discussions, child support arrangements play a crucial role, in ensuring financial provision for the children in physical custody. According to Florida law, parents are obligated to support their children even after divorce.

Davis and Associates Attorneys at Law can assist you in negotiating child support based on your child’s needs. We ensure that the designated parent meets their financial obligations. If there’s a need for modification, we can help you apply for it. In cases of non-payment, trust our team to file the necessary court documents to enforce the support order.

Spousal Support

In certain divorce cases, one party may face a disadvantage due to factors such as financial constraints. The court evaluates these circumstances to determine the necessity of spousal support orders.

Our family lawyers can assist you in seeking spousal support by presenting the required evidence to establish your eligibility. Alternatively, if you’ve been directed by the court to provide spousal support, we can help you contest that decision.

Father’s Rights

Unmarried fathers do not automatically have the right to be involved in their child’s life, unlike unmarried mothers. However, the law permits unmarried fathers to establish their rights and be recognized as their children’s legitimate fathers.

You can ask our family lawyers to help you file the documents to establish your paternity. If you want to contest claims or your existing paternity, let us know, and we will help you file the proper documents for the court to consider your request.

Domestic Violence

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You can also trust our Milton family law attorney to help you with domestic violence cases.

Whether you are the victim or your loved one, we will handle your case carefully and make sure you are in a safe location while we get your case filed in court. We will also file for a protective order so that your abusers will not use the chance to approach you and force you to withdraw the case.

While handling your domestic violence case, your assigned family law attorney will also help you arrange child custody and support, spousal support, and divorce. We will step in as your legal representative during the hearings so that you don’t have to worry about facing your abusers in court.

Free Consultation Today

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Legal trouble should not be faced alone, mainly if it directly affects your family. You should reach out to an established and trusted family law firm to find the right legal solution that will have little impact on your family as much as possible.

Whenever you face these family legal troubles, don’t hesitate to contact our Milton, FL family law firm at any time. We will look at your case and provide you with the right legal advice so you can make the right decisions for us to use to proceed. We will do our best to get the ideal outcome for your case to the best of our ability and ensure you are ready for any outcome.

If you are unsure how our legal services work, don’t be afraid to avail yourself of our free consultation service. One of our family lawyers will be ready to take your call to answer your questions and get you started.

Call Davis and Associates Attorneys at Law at (850) 753-0416 for your Free Consultation with a Milton Family Lawyer.